Petrin Tower Prague

Petrin Tower was built in Prague in 1891 for the purpose of an industrial exhibition. The idea to build the tower came after the Eiffel Tower was first presented in Paris. Petrin Tower resembles the famous Eiffel Tower in its visual design, which is why it was nicknamed the Prague Eiffel Tower. It is 63.5 meters tall and is used as both a lookout and transmission tower.
The Petrin Tower is located on Petrin Hill, which is about 30 minutes of casual walk from Prague Castle.

Petrin Tower tickets

  • Petrin Tower is opened all-year-round from 10 am till 6 pm in winter and 10 pm in summer.
  • The ticket to the Petrin Tower costs 220 CZK plus the elevator charge 150 CZK. The family ticket is 440 CZK.

Our Local Guide Tip

  • The easiest way to get from the bottom of Petrin Hill is by using Prague Funicular. The ticket to funicular costs 30 CZK, the same as other Prague public transportation tickets. 
  • You can walk from the Prague Castle to the Petrin Hill through the Gardens of the Stahov Monastery and enjoy views throughout your walk!

See more of our Prague Travel Tips.

Author: Valeriia Zahradnikova and Vaclav Zahradnik, Prague guides certified by Prague City Tourism agency. Valeriia and Vaclav have worked in tourism for over 6 years and have guided thousands of Prague visitors.

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